Atlanta Apartments: Cross-country Moves

Relocating cross-country offers its own set of challenges. Once you’ve searched the listings for Atlanta apartments and selected the right apartment community and floor plan it is time to start planning your move. Beginning well in advance of the big day is the #1 moving tip offered by professional leasing specialists.

First, renters need to choose how they want to move. Can you transport all your belongings to Atlanta in your own vehicle? Probably not but you have a couple options: rent a moving truck for DIY moving or hire a professional moving company. Either way, making this decision early can save you money by earning discounts.

Willow Lake Apartments in Stone Mountain Village, minutes to downtown Atlanta

Willow Lake Apartments in Stone Mountain Village, minutes to downtown Atlanta

Next, make an inventory list of everything you are moving to your new Atlanta apartment. Whether you hire professionals or do it yourself, knowing what you have and in which box it is stored will help you find everything when you unpack in Atlanta. This is a good time to sell or donate items you don’t want to move!

Another good idea is to insure the stuff you are moving especially if you have hired professional movers. This is a recommendation for all movers regardless of distance, but cross-country moves mean more time and longer distances over which your possessions can be lost or damaged.

Once you arrive at your final destination, your Atlanta apartment, plan on taking your time to unpack. If possible, take a few days off work to settle into the new layout. When unpacking becomes tedious, step outside to explore your new surroundings. Metro Atlanta has lots to offer its residents!

Posted on May 18, 2014, in Organization, Time Savers, Willow Lake Apartments and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Atlanta Apartments: Cross-country Moves.

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