Making the Most of Small Floor Plans, Atlanta Apartments

Not all Atlanta apartments are created with equal square footage, but apartment residents can get the most out of their floor plans with 5 simple tips for living in a small space.

  1. Household items used on a daily basis can make beautiful decorations when displayed. Shiny copper pots arranged on the stove in the kitchen are a great example. In a child’s bedroom, treasured toys can be left out while you make use of “under the bed” storage for more unsightly items.
  2. A spacious living room can be made out of a tiny layout with a few personal touches. Art and books do not necessarily mean clutter when properly displayed and they can open up the entire world inside any Atlanta apartment.
  3. Of course, apartment dwellers know that less is more. Getting rid of things you don’t use can mean big bucks in your pocket. Selling items of value and donating the rest will help keep closets and storage areas organized.
  4. Clean, well organized Atlanta apartments feel bright and roomy. It is important to de-clutter and clean especially in a small floor plan. Not only will your home feel and smell better but cleaning will reduce the risk of pests inside too.
  5. Finally, remember that light is a great way to make an apartment seem larger. Well-placed mirrors can double the natural light in a space. Even without tons of natural light, residents can include light colored furniture, linens and window coverings to open up their apartment.
Maplewood Pointe Apartments in Jonesboro

The spacious floor plans at Maplewood Pointe Apartments in Jonesboro, Georgia start at 1200 sq. ft.

Posted on May 10, 2014, in Lifestyle, Maplewood Pointe, Organization and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.