Save Memories, Save Money – Atlanta Apartments

Junk accumulates in our Atlanta apartments. It’s a simple fact. That is why when you Google “organization” every 10 item to-do list is really just 5 ways to throw things out. But sometimes the clutter around your apartment home is the stuff you care for the most. How do you keep the things attached to the memories you love?

  1. Store:  The fact is you might love it, but you don’t have a need for it every day. Collections, gifts, clothing, art… the list is endless and it’s filling up your spacious Atlanta apartments. Properly storing these items under the bed or in a large walk-in closet is perfectly fine. A good tip is to purchase matching storage from a popular retailer. This means if your investment is damaged it can be replaced without much effort and you keep the appearance of your home neat. The Container Store has lots of cheap storage solutions for residents in cozy apartments. It’s what they do. Be armed with storage options.
  2. Rotate:  Once you have some memories put away don’t forget about them. While you don’t need these items everyday you can bring them out of the closet to enjoy. Rotating your collections on display in your Atlanta apartments keeps your floor plan fresh for guests too.
  3. Corral:  Life is hectic and not everything in a home ends up where it belongs. Put containers in disaster prone areas to corral the clutter. When a container is full, return each item to its right home. Trays, baskets, decorative boxes make excellent temporary lodging for hats, gloves, keys, sunglasses and more. The stair basket sold on comes to mind for when you aren’t ready to climb the stairs of your Atlanta townhome rental.
  4. Stack:  Floor space is valuable real estate especially in an apartment with a modest floor plan. Having the proper way to use vertical space can safely secure the items you want to keep around for a long time.
  5. Reduce:  Only own what you love. No list about organization is complete without at least one suggestion to throw out the junk (see above). Before you make a purchase decide if you really need the item. Do you have one like it in storage? Can you reuse something you all ready purchased? Will you love it forever?
The spacious apartments and townhomes of Laurel Pointe Apartments

The spacious apartments and townhomes of Laurel Pointe Apartments

Of course you can always move into a larger space if none of this will do – like the spacious floor plans at Laurel Pointe Apartments in Forest Park.

Posted on August 30, 2014, in Laurel Pointe, Lifestyle, Organization and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Save Memories, Save Money – Atlanta Apartments.

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