Halloween Pet Safety in Atlanta Apartments

This Halloween cutesy pet costumes are not Rover’s biggest enemy in Atlanta apartments. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, the number of calls about dogs ingesting chocolate more than doubles the week of Halloween. Chemicals in chocolate are dangerous for dogs and the smaller the dog, the higher the risk for poisoning. Signs of a chocolate overdose include: vomiting, agitation, elevated heart rate, tremors and collapse. Be mindful of your furry four-legged friends and all the candy going around. The same holds true of grapes, raisins and candy or food containing them.

the playground amenity at Bradford Ridge

Bradford Ridge Apartments – A great place for dogs in Forest Park, GA

If your dog may have eaten chocolate, raisins or grapes then contact your emergency vet immediately!

JAMCO Properties, Inc. offers pet friendly Atlanta apartments for rent at 20 communities around metro Atlanta. Instead of an ugly holiday sweater, invest in healthy treats for your pets. They will thank you.

Posted on October 28, 2013, in Bradford Ridge, Lifestyle, Pets and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Halloween Pet Safety in Atlanta Apartments.

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