Atlanta apartments: Bedrooms, redesigned

Autumn finally arrived at all Atlanta apartments last week and while the leaves are changing outside, you might be ready to make changes in your apartment bedroom. Don’t worry! Check out these affordable solutions for upgrading your Atlanta apartment.

Start by making the bed the focal point of your apartment’s bedroom. Whether you’re inspired by pumpkin flavored everything and falling leaves or just a newly discovered color, an updated bedspread or duvet cover is the fastest way to make a change in the bedroom. Add a few decorative pillows with a fun design. Chances are your bedroom’s largest piece of visual real estate is now covered. Pun intended.

Spacious bedroom at Ashwood Ridge Apartments

Ashwood Ridge Apartments – Riverdale, Georgia

Next renter’s can cover their walls. In some Atlanta apartments painting is a big no no. Ask your landlord or apartment community manager for permission to paint, get it in writing and be aware of any consequences. Consider painting one accent wall to create a new feeling and to save money on paint supplies. Even if you are not able to paint, your walls can be spruced up with large pieces of purchased or homemade art, floating shelves and decorative fabric or paper. Be creative.

A popular trend on Pinterest is personalizing store bought mass produced furniture. Painting old nightstands, dressers, bed frames… is a trendy way to update your bedroom without breaking the lease on your Atlanta apartment. For a professional look, be sure to sand, clean and prime any surface you paint.

The cheapest way to make changes in the bedroom is simply to rearrange the furniture. Moving things around a bit can make the whole apartment new again and it’s FREE! Take time during this process to tidy up a bit. Start a pile for donation. Drop your donations off before the end of the year and get a receipt for your charitable tax deductions.

Now you have a “new” Atlanta apartment without the hassle or cost of moving, but when you’re ready, JAMCO Properties, Inc is now leasing affordable apartments at 20 metro Atlanta locations, pets welcomed and people approved.

Posted on October 21, 2013, in Ashwood Ridge, Decor, Weather Preparations and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Atlanta apartments: Bedrooms, redesigned.

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