Spring (cleaning) comes early to Atlanta

Stratford Arms Apartments knows spring is just around the corner (hopefully). The American Cleaning Institute found that 62 percent of people engage in spring cleaning. The top three priorities are the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. This year, spring cleaning doesn’t have to be a long, dreaded process. Follow these quick tips to get your house clean in no time.

Bedroom DustApartment home cleaning products

  • Skip the feather duster – it just spreads dust around. When you dust, work from the top down.
  • Cut back on dust by making sure your vacuum cleaner bags and filters are clean and in good working order. That will keep dust and debris from being blown out into the air as you vacuum.


  • Use steam to clean the inside of the microwave. Bring two cups of water to a boil in the microwave, keep the door closed and let the water sit for a few minutes. The steam loosens dried-on food particles, making it easier to wipe them away.
  • Don’t forget to clean the outside of the refrigerator and freezer. Clear off the clutter of notes, coupons and photos, and then clean the doors, handles and seals.


  • Clean the tub and shower with a foaming cleanser that does most of the work for you, and simply rinse it off. Wash shower curtains and liners according to label instructions.
  • To help prevent soap scum buildup in the future, try switching to a liquid shower gel. Bar soaps have binders that are a primary cause of soapy residue. You can also use a towel to quickly wipe down the tub and faucets after each shower.
  • To discourage mildew, use the bathroom fan during a shower and for about 30 minutes after. You can also use a dehumidifier or open the window.

Must Have Tools

  • Adhesive lint roller – Great for quickly sprucing up fabric and upholstery. You can also use it to remove dust from lamp shades.
  • Baking soda – Helps neutralize odors in sinks, refrigerators, upholstery and carpets.
  • Sponges – Good for removing scuff marks and smudges from walls and furniture

Posted on February 24, 2013, in Organization, Stratford Arms, Time Savers. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on Spring (cleaning) comes early to Atlanta.

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